Wednesday, November 9, 2011


okay, so i know a few days ago i did a gyaru secrets analysis and I said something positive regarding this gal. I didn't understand why the put a square around her eyes, but know i realise that they meant that her circle lenses are out of place. I didn't notice this at all, so obviously it must not be that bad because I'm pretty observant. I mean give the girl some slack. If you've ever worn circle lenses you probably know that they DO slip around and bother your eyes. They move when your eyes water or when they dry up. It's a pain in the butt really and a lot of the time you don't notice it. I mean this post makes so much sense now, but they don't need to be mean about it. No one has to be mean to a gal with good makeup and style just because her circle lenses are messed up. It would be a total different thing if she had bad makeup and hair, or clothes. I just really think people need to realise that gal style should be taken seriously, but not taken too seriously. There are no laws in gal fashion. 

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