Monday, November 14, 2011

The BIG question

So, as i was at school in study hall, this sudden question popped into my head. "What am I going to do with my life?" Hmm, good question......uhhh... i don't know. That's what sucks about this question. Does anybody really know how to answer that? Well, duh, of course there are some people that know exactly what they are going to do with themselves from the minute their born-- well not really, but you know what I'm saying. I've had this idea to go to law school and become a lawyer, but so many people that are lawyers that I know say, "it's so stressful", "don't waste your life on other people's problems", "you'll hate it!". I mean isn't almost every job stressful? I don't think there really is any job where you can just sit on your butt and meditate. Of course if you are a meditation instructor, then maybe you have a stress free job, but overall I can't think of any job that doesn't make you rush or get off your feet or want to to plop down on your bed and sleep forever. That is how school makes me feel, so I guess I'm prepared for a job. But, what about college? Like people are already planning  that and I have only a glimpse of where and what I'm going to do about college. I'm thinking community college or is that too bummy? What about state college? Oh, I don't know. I am just fearing that I'll be one of those people that stay at home everyday in their bathrobe, envying successful people, while eating frozen waffles, and reading newspaper job listings. Ohhh, the horror. I want to be one of the people that get up in the morning and have a reason to live and grab a coffee and get on to their job. I don't want to be the envious, bathrobe cladded, waffle eater of my mind. So, the big question, "what am I going to do with my life." Yup, I think I will be a psychiatrist. Haha, that was probably unexpected, but yeah I totally want to be a psychiatrist. As I was thinking about my past and what I'm good at and contemplating on what I'm going to do with my life, I started thinking that I was always the one out of my friends that would talk to them when they needed someone. I would let them blow snot on my shoulder as they wailed in the girls bathroom about some boy that broke up with them after two weeks. Yeah, I was the shoulder to cry on. Isn't that what a psychiatrist does? They sit there and listen to people go on about how suck their life is. It's a completely selfless job. Well, then again I am basically a selfless person. I barely ever blow snot on anyone's shoulder. I never talk about problems with other people. Just me and conscious on those things because when I DO talk about my problems with other people, they say I'm overreacting. I guess that's why my friends always turned to me when they needed a good cry; because I don't tell them that they're overreacting. I don't say anything. I let them get it out and then bash the person that hurt them or tell them everything will turn out fine. I mean, psychs don't go and bash the people that hurt their client, but it's just the situation. I would make one hell of a psych in my opinion. So, yup, that is what I want to do with my life. I've finally made up my mind. The only thing left is college... I'll get that figured out though, I have time. There still is one question, will I be able to wear my gyaru makeup when I'm counselling someone? Umm, probably not. Oh well, haha. With a win you gotta have a lose. 

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