Friday, January 6, 2012

My Opinion on Ashely and Shiena

I've noticed that a majority of my traffic is from the keywords "ashley gyaru secrets", "shiena gyaru", "who is ashley and shiena", "ashley shiena visa", etc... So, here is my opinion on them.

I think there are far more gyarus to care about, why care so much about these girls? What did they do that was so important to make us waste time googling them? Why are they so famous? For making childish videos on Youtube, trying to get a visa, going out with hosts, what? I don't get it! Stop caring about their life, it's none of your business either, so don't bash them for what they do either. They aren't going to change for anons   and haters! So stop posting meaningless secrets and hates all around the internet trying to create drama with these girls that probably don't care what you have to say! So, just stop it girls, care about your own life!

Sorry, I had to vent. I felt the need to vent.


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