Thursday, January 5, 2012

I'm sick

Don't pay much attention (or you can) to this post for I am just here to tell you I am sick... once again. I keep getting sick in the same way: sore throat, upset stomach, stuffy nose, nasal congestion, achiness, burning-out-of-my-head eyes, and a seal like cough. Well, it is flu season, so it should be expected. After this, I'm going to drink a ton of orange juice... or maybe not... after reading some articles about easier ways to keep yourself from getting sick. Here let me tell you!!

1. Let's start with the basics...
I mean, we all know this right? I would hope so, but don't use hand sanitizer. Are you surprised? I know I was! Well, hand sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs so what about that little 0.1% of germ left? It gets stronger and stronger until eventually it can make you sick. So just hot water and soap will do fine since it leaves behind some of the not very harmful bacteria that is naturally all over your body.

2.Drink Lots of Water
You're probably like, "what kind of tip is this?". Well, don't' be negative, let me explain. Our bodies are mostly made up of water and when you're dehydrated it stresses out your immune system. When you have a very stuffy nose and a scratchy throat it means dryness and dryness opens the immunity barrier and opens your body up to infection, which means you get sicker easier. So drink up!

Good night! Get some sleep, you won't get sick. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night so your body has enough time to renew your immune system, which needs power to fight off those mean little germs.

4.Skip the OJ and Vitamin C Tablets
I know everyone turns into vitamin C ninjas when the flu season comes around. It isn't guaranteed that a vitamin C tablet will protect you from viruses and bacteria. Getting ALL the right nutrients is key. Eating a healthy and balanced diet with LOTS of fruits and vegetables will provide all the necessary nutrients your immune system needs to fight off sickness.

5.Get up!
In the winter you should really stay active. Staying active for at least 15 minutes a day reduces the stress hormone, Cortisol, and improves your immune system! So, get to the gym, get out your yoga mat, get your snow clothes on, heck run in place!

6. Mmm, Berries
I'm talking blueberries, cranberries, and... wait for it... acai berries! Don't eat the acai berries! Get the tablet! This little soft gel has so many antioxidants it raises your metabolism and immune system! Making a healthier you!

Hope this helped my fellow germaphobes! 

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