Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weight Loss Help

I often see a lot of Gyaru going crazy on finding a way to lose weight fast and effectively, but a lot of them often go to drastic and sometimes unhealthy measures to lose that weight. You know, gals, there are many other ways to lose weight without starving yourselves, taking dangerous diet pills, and drinking that weird lemon juice and pepper concoction. Seriously, don't do that stuff and I'll tell you why.

Don't Listen to the Fads
  1. Starving/ Crash Dieting: The first thing many girls do when they first want to lose weight is starve themselves, which can be effective, but is totally damaging and wrong. Do you know how bad it is for your body to starve? First off, I caused many health problems such as: low protein levels, anaemia, heart problems, hair loss, brittle nails, skin conditions, tiredness, and pale skin. When you don't eat enough food for your body to function, your body goes into starvation mode, which is when your body senses itself being deprived so it stores whatever nutrients is gets as fat cells, this lowers your metabolism and slows weight loss. Also, if you ever stop starving yourself right away, your body will gain whatever weight it lost very quickly because your metabolism is down so low. So PLEASE DON'T do this! 
  2. Diet Pills: I know all of you gals have seen the weight loss ads for diet pills in the back of gyaru mags such as: Ageha, Popteen, Ranzuki, etc... So you know that the girls on those ads look so photoshopped they don't even look human anymore? If the girls needed to be photoshopped before being put on those ads must mean that the pills don't have an extreme effect like they often claim. You should also be aware of the potentially dangerous effects of these pills: intestinal abnormalities (you know what I mean), abdominal pain, nausea, joint pain, extreme dehydration, anxiety, depression, metabolic syndrome, restlessness (insomnia, dizziness...), cardiovascular diseases. Those are just some of the effects. I'm sure you get the point that they are dangerous and not good even if they make you lose a few pounds! 
  3. Fad Diets: I laugh when I hear about silly fad diets like the ABC diet, the Hollywood Fasting diet, and such because they are so STUPID! There is a gyaru website dedicated to the ABC diet. The ABC diet says that you should eat 400 calories on the first day and it gets lower and lower and then gets higher again after like one week I think. Anyways the ABC diet has the same effect as what I talked about in number 1! As for the Hollywood diet, which is a cleanse, raises your metabolism and flushes out water weight and toxins. Sounds good until you hear the unhealthy side effects such as: vitamin deficiencies, muscle breakdown, blood sugar problems, weakened immune system, increased bowel movements (Ew, gross, but true), loss of good bacteria in the digestive system, weight gain after fasting. 
So now I hope you think again before believing any of these fads and unhealthy methods to lose weight. Now, I'll tell you healthy ways to lose weight. Ways that won't leave you bedridden and rushing to the bathroom. (^_^) 

  1. Every thing starts with exercise. My biggest love is cardo workouts, and I'm not recommending it to you just because it's my favourite. It's one of the best workouts when combined with diet and strength training. While strength training makes your body strong, toned, and muscular, cardio makes your body long and lean. Strength training can be done at the gym on machines or in your home with various floor exercises. Cardio workouts that will burn hundreds of calories include: bicycling (at gym or on a real bike), running (treadmill or jogging), dancing, aerobics, step-climber (machine or real steps), and kickboxing (my love!!!) 
  2. A CLEAN and HEALTHY diet is key to weight loss. I seriously recommend cutting out meat every other week, this allows your body to flush out toxins. I'm vegetarian all time and it has great effects on me, not to brag (^_^). Also, cut out bad carbs for a while (not full-time, maybe every other month or so) such as, bread, pasta, and white potatoes; and sweets like muffins, donuts, and cookies. Eat the good carbs like fruits, veggies, and sweet potatoes! They are your friends! Eat good fats, as well such as: fish, real butter (believe it or not), milk, olive oil, cheese, and nuts. These foods all help to burn fat, as well!!! Also, you can treat yourself to something sweet once a week, just make sure to cut out something else you usually eat so you don't go over your calorie limit! 
  3. Drink WATER!!! Water flushes out toxins, bad bacteria, raises your immune system, and allows your live to work properly and that means your metabolism raises. It also helps with with feeling of being bloated for it also carries out trapped water weight. It sounds boring, but it really works, trust me. At least drink 64 oz. of water a day. Keep big water bottles of water in various places like your car, purse, in different rooms of your house, etc... You'll drink a TON of water without even knowing! 
  4. Have confidence in yourself! If you're always down on yourself, you'll probably overeat in frustration, but if you know you're going to be hot then you will drive yourself to get to where you want to be! Meditate to relax and picture yourself at your goal weight, tell yourself that you are beautiful and you're goal weight (whatever it is 120 lbs., 130 lbs, 110 lbs, etc...) do this 15 times and that will set your mind to it! Look in the mirror and say, "I'm getting there!" instead of going, "Ew, my butt could be smaller and my thighs are HUGE!!!" Have confidence, it really works!!! 
Now, if you're trying to lose weight, you should know that you can be healthy doing it! I hope this helped! I hate to see people succumb to freaky and unhealthy diet tricks! Exercise, eat well, stay hydrated, and love yourself! 



Amy-Chan said...

You're so right. I also laugh always I see this pages in the back of the magazines. The same high like me (162 cm) and just 40 kg?! Around 13 less than me... o_O Okay, I want to lose a little bit more weight, but my BMI is around 20.6. That's Totally okay and healthy.
I also try it with fitness and a lot of water. But I eat normal, less sweets and bit less fat. But I need my daily food, otherwise I get aggressive haha

Yumi said...

You're healthy and perfectly normal, but there's nothing wrong with getting in shape like ya want to! good luck!

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