Monday, February 13, 2012

Opinion: Anons

I'm seriously sure you all know (or maybe you don't know yet) that I don't have a fondness for anonymous people on the internet. Well, I have seen a lot of anonymous activity going on around the gal community and of course, I've made it clear, I DO NOT like it. I've even had anonymous people comment on my blog! So now I am going to vent about stupid anonymous people.

***WARNING: this is a very long rant.

First, I'll start off with a little message to the mean, stupid, worthless anons that have made a visit to my blog:

Dear Anons, 
I don't care if you read my blog, go ahead, but please don't waste your time trying to get attention or start something because I'm not the kind of person to get all upset over some stupid weak comment on a blog post. I especially don't care when that comment is titled "anon" or "anonymous". Blogger moves all "spam" (or mean) comments into the spam box anyways and when I see that there are comments in my spam box, I just hit delete! Oh, well, you wasted your time. So stop making a fool of yourself and just leave if you don't like me. Like, just because your fat, lazy, and ugly, with no friends doesn't mean you can bash other people that aren't like you. No one wants to be fat, lazy, and ugly with no friends. Even if you're not fat, lazy, and ugly, with no friends, bashing people that don't deserve it makes you that. So, bye-bye anons. I hate you! 

Okay, so now let's talk about anonymous people in general. We all know that they comment and bash endlessly about other people on the internet. I know you've all seen it. And if you're are one of those anonymous people reading this, then you do it all the time, don't you? Well, most people I've seen just delete the anon comments on their blogs, but some of them leave them there to maybe humiliate the stupid anons, or maybe they don't care about the anons, so they don't waste their time actually going through and deleting their comments? All I know that even if people agree with and anon, they are weak people because obviously they aren't strong enough to say it as their real identity. Why? Most likely because they are just bashing a person to make themselves feel better. That's weak and it disgusts me.

Also, many people are not even bothered by the comments, but have you ever thought that maybe some people are actually hurt by the things some of the anons say? Even though they may act like they aren't bothered by it, deep down, that anon might have seriously hurts the feelings of that person. There is nothing right with living to hurt someone's feelings. It's a sick way to live.

Take this for example: a gyaru that is of a perfectly normal healthy weight is called "fat" numerous times by anons on her pictures she posts even though she's not even close to being fat. That girl used to struggle with her weight when she was younger and used to have a serious eating disorder, and then by hearing that, what kind of effects do you think bashing her has on her mind? She probably will end up having an eating disorder again. Then, how does any person live with themselves after causing damage to a person's life? I know not everyone knows what goes on in everyone's life and no one expects you to know that, but it still doesn't give you the right to bash someone. It's simple really. Just: think before you speak! 

How about on gyaru secrets? People endlessly bash gyarus because of makeup and clothing and appearances. Well, maybe people should give constructive criticism instead of bashing someone. Since those those anons posting those secrets know so much about gyaru and they are the perfect gyaru, then why don't they give some of their expert advice about gyaru to the person they are bashing for having now skill? You know why they don't? Because: 1. Some of those people aren't gyaru at all! 2. They aren't good at gyaru themselves and they can't except that fact 3. They are ugly, lazy, lonely losers at home that have nothing better to entertain themselves 4. They are jealous!

Anons also show no sign of self respect at all. They bash people and criticise people and act like they are great when everyone knows they are not. So, just stop wasting your time and making yourself look like a stupid, worthless, ugly person. It's getting old and more and more people are getting sick of you, sooner or later no one is going to care about you and then you'll have to actually face people.

Grow up and face reality.


maiya said...

lol yumi you really dont like anons! luv ya!

Tanner said...

Amen for That rant thanks Yumi