Thursday, March 22, 2012

Loss of motivation...

I haven't blogged in such a long time, I feel like I have abandoned my blog! I have been trying to lift my spirits by adding animations to my blog (you see them?) and trying to find new things to talk about, but I can't find anything! (T_T) I try looking up new makeup techniques and makeup ideas and beauty tips and I have run out of idea. Maybe now that I'm writing about not having ideas some ideas will pop up! I'll just be hopeful. I guess I'll just talk about what I've been doing this week. I think I might do a gyaru inspiration later. I haven't done something gyaru in forever! I need to. Maybe I'll find some J-mag scans and download. Maybe bring back some of the past. Just some ideas I'll share with you. (^_^)

One thing that is new is that I think I want to learn to play the bass guitar. I've always loved the sound of bass guitars and why not find something fun to do on my free-time. I've always loved musicalness! Plus, it'll bother my family... so even better! I want a pink bass guitar. That would be so amazing because it's pink and I could add sparkles and stickers and all those things!
I want this one! Where can i find THIS ONE???!!! OMG!


~dαturα~ said...

Oh, those animatians are so neat (◠‿◠)
You should do an entry on how to add them to the blog! I'll be #1 copy-cat!

Yumi said...

good idea! it is so easy haha! ◕◡◕