Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Past Life

I've always been superstitious and I believe in all that spiritual stuff, but lately I've been getting these feelings like constant deja vu. I know this must sound insane, but have you ever had that feeling like you've been in a similar situation or you've met someone before? Most people just forget it and don't really think much of it, I think, so you may not know what the heck I'm talking about. On the other hand, I think way too much about those experiences.

So I've come to a conclusion that we've all had another life in the past and those feelings we get now are just memories from the past that fabricate in our minds when something similar to something that happened in a past life happens. I think this is the reason why we always get deja vu. It could be some other reason, but why would we get the feeling that something has happened before? There really is no answer, this is just philosophy, man. We'll never know @_@

It's just so cool to think about, am I right? No, just think about it and you'll get it..

The reason I wanted to bring this up is because there is this person (no names :P ) that I don't know well at all, barely ever talked to them, they're just an acquaintance. Well, from the first day I saw them for the first time, I immediately felt connected to this person. Like we have a strong bond even though we don't. I feel like we've known each other for so long, but we don't even talk to each other. These connections are so strong and freak me out so much that I try to avoid this person, but I always seem to find myself in their presence and making out-of-the-blue eye contact with them. What the what? Is this like a haunting or something? This is so scary, please tell me I'm not alone, AH!

Share your stories if you have any, I love to hear this stuff! 


Kyouko said...

I have that same feeling. When I saw part of this blog, I almost freaked out because this is exactly like me. I have so many friends...and teachers at my school... that I feel like I've known for years but I've only known for a year or so. I'm not alone TT_TT

Yumi said...

Song Ji-Gyun: I'm so happy to know i'm not alone! I thought that if I shared this with anyone they'd think i was mental @_@

Kyouko said...

I know how you feel TT^TT I thought I was mental when I first felt like this...