This is just a random post today... I didn't know what to call it.... haha. So I'm thinking about putting a poll on my blog, if I can figure out how to!! So stay tuned and keep checkin in and please answer the poll if you can!! (^_^) No more holiday until Christmas, awwwwz!!! Well, time will pass by fast since I'm on my toes about Christmas... or on the other hand, since I'm on my toes about Christmas, time might pass by slower... uhhhh, hmmm, well I rather have it past by faster anyways!! This post isn't really worth reading unless you enjoy reading my meaningless blabber... haha. Well, actually it's about to get better.... maybe, if I don't have a brain fart while thinking...
I don't think my brain is working today... I'm trying to remember
Okay... sooo... let's talk about something that really annoys me (hehehe I got an IDEA!!!)
When people try and control your life... oh yess my biggest pet peeve right there, other than whistling and chewing with your mouth open. Yeah, anyways, I keep getting off topic (>.<). Recently, I was discussing my wonderfully brilliant breakthrough of wanting to be psychiatrist with my Dad and Uncle and telling them how good the job would be for me. I was expecting them to stand up and give me a pat on the back and a round of applause, well not really, but at least a positive attitude. My Uncle starts murmuring about how I need a ton of education to be a psychiatrist and my Dad starts telling me I should be an accountant or a veterinarian.... and I'm like WHAT THE HECK! and my dreams were crushed into a fine powder that dissolved into the air (-_-;) UGH, whyyy? I finally think of something I wanna do in life and it's rejected. What am I supposed to do now? And my Uncle thinks I can't do anything. After my Dad tried to convince me to be a veterinarian, which I do not want to be whatsoever, my oh so very wonderful Uncle told me I was never going to be able to do it, it's just too much education and hard work that I won't be able to do. So nice, right? Well, you know what, I spend a big humungous chunk of my life going to school learning stuff I might never ever use during my lifetime, I'm going to do something that's worth it and that pays good. I don't wanna bother being an accountant or a secretary when I worked so hard during my childhood to go somewhere in life!! If I want to be something, I shall be it!! No one can tell me that I can't do something, what do they know anyways?! Do they have some magical crystal ball that can see into my future and foresee that I can't be a psychiatrist? Of course they don't! So I don't want people telling me what I can and can't do!! This isn't the first time that has happened either!! I really don't wanna sound like a totally insane angry madwomen, so I am going to change my tone... haha (<◡<) When I was scheduled for an interview with my modelling agency for the first time, I told my aunt and uncle over dinner since they didn't know only my parents did. My aunt says that I won't make it past Tuesday. (my interview was for Tuesday) So, I spent hours contemplating why she doesn't think I'll make it past Tuesday. Hmm, maybe she thinks I'm too ugly to model, too fat, maybe she is jealous I am going to an interview, maybe she thinks I will never be successful and it's a waste of time, or maybe she doesn't want me to be a model at all, or maybe she thinks modelling is stupid... I went on like that for hours that night!! I finally came to a conclusion that I really shouldn't listen to what people tell me. They can't control my life. If they say I can't do something, it's most likely because they were never able to do it. I think that's it!! I mean my aunt never modelled so she thinks I can't, my Uncle never got a huge college education so he thinks that I can't, my Dad didn't get to be what he wanted so he thinks I can't. I HATE people like that (I guess the change of tone thing didn't work out like I thought), just because they didn't get to do something it doesn't mean that I can't!! I am a completely different person and I can. When people say things like that, I try to refrain from having a kanip which I usually don't succeed at, and try to be positive and say, "Oh yes I can, just watch me." in that smartass way i do. All I know is that it makes me soooo angry when people say I can't do something. They have so much nerve to say that. They are stupid and have now made it into my burn book. You know, saying things like this can be really hurtful. Crushing spirits really shouldn't be a way of fulfilling your hidden inside anger towards your failure. Think about it in a worse situation: a child in an orphanage says, "I really want to go home with that family that just came in", and an older child there say, "No, you'll never be adopted! No one wants you!" and that older child said that because he's been there longer than everyone. How sad that child must be to hear that from another child. That just goes to show you I am not insane or bitchy.
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